Twin Flame Card Reading: You are Ready For A New Chapter Dawning In Your Twin Flame Relationship

This Twin Flame card reading comes from Legend: The Arthurian Tarot.

The overall message of this reading urges you to embrace the power of your choice and trust your healing. Let go of the past and stay grounded in the present. Commit to your healing and your union to embark on the next new level peacefully with safety and stability in the knowledge that your happiness can never be taken away from you. Your love is permanent and true and unfolding perfectly for you.

You are powerful, abundant, beautiful, and divine. Remind yourself of this in the moments when you start to feel otherwise. You are strong and capable of moving through everything you are facing right now. Embrace your power and nurture your destiny. Tend to your own sense of belonging and acceptance so those who are meant for you can receive the gifts of your presence. Honor yourself and your Twin Flame union with your commitment to your values and your heart’s desires. Surrender to the flow of creativity and God’s hand in unfolding all the ways of joy and love in your life.

Let go of the past and break the cycle of old patterns keeping you stagnant. The rhythms of change are always moving, and change is asked of you too. Trust the dream in your heart and follow your inner guidance to recognize and evaluate opportunities presented to you. Fear has no hold on you when you meet it with love. Trust in all the work you’ve done so far, and give yourself permission to enjoy the journey. Deeper commitment is required to bring about the change you desire.

If your journey seems to be whipped up in a whirlwind, let it be a hurricane of happiness. The only thing you have to prove is that you can be you. Surrender to God’s unfolding for you with a sesnse of curiosity and adventure. Recognizing your progress can become an electric time, full of energy and promise, so be sure to stay grounded in your inner work. Remember you are after the permanent pleasure of true ascension with your Twin Flame. Don’t be detoured by a temporary high. True love is an eternal adventure of unlimited joy along with all the lessons.

Embrace the dawning of a new chapter in your journey. Enjoy the catharsis after a long period of healing layer after layer after layer. Feeling all of your feelings restores your faith in the unfolding of your Twin Flame love into a deeper sense of freedom and peace. Relax into letting God take the lead of your union, and you will find great strength and relief. Your heart becomes clear and the way forward opens, perhaps in unexpected ways. Be open to the love that is truly yours in all ways forever.

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