I Am Full Of Love Tonight

Poem by Hafiz


I am full of love tonight
Come look into my eyes, and let’s go off
Sailing, my dear, on a long ocean ride.

This world will not touch you,
I will keep you snug upon my seat.

Let’s plot
To make the moon jealous
With a radiance leaping from your cheek.

I will be full of love tonight,
Come look into these ancient eyes!

And let’s go off sailing, my dear,
With our spirits intertwined.

Your body is just an old sandbar
In a speeding hourglass of time.

Love will turn the mouth of sorrow
Right side up.

Let your heart commence its destined
Laughing chime!

Hafiz will be brimful of love tonight,
Why ever be shy?

Come look into the playful eyes of my verse,
They are eternally branded,

Branded with
The Sun!


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