How To Truly Reveal A False Twin Flame: First They Present Like The Real Thing

How To Truly Reveal A False Twin Flame: First They Present Like The Real Thing

We talk a lot about how knowing the difference between a false Twin Flame and the true Twin flame is a revealing process you have to take with the healing. In this series of articles I wish to share what that looked like for me from a real example of revealing a false Twin Flame in my own life.

In my journey the false Twin Flame experience looked and felt just like a true Twin Flame. This is what makes them a false Twin Flame instead of just one of the guys I used to know, had a crush on, dated, loved, etc. So let me introduce you to the story of the start of my Twin Flame journey in revealing a false Twin Flame.

About a month before I learned about Twin Flames I discovered yoga and a particular yoga instructor who would become the false Twin Flame. It was a beautiful experience of gently teaching me to trust men again and to trust in love and in myself.

March 2019

I met him when I walked into my first yoga class. I’d spent the past 3 years grieving and healing from the suicide of my former fiancé and had just experienced my first spark of a tingle over Mardi Gras. The crush who sparked this desire in me had run off with someone else, but not before pointing to a building and saying they did awesome yoga there. I knew this crush wasn’t the one, but something inside of me had awakened. I knew in the depths of my heart and with absolute certainty that a greater love than I had ever known was still yet to come. I needed to get myself ready for it, so I decided to follow the tingle and give the yoga studio a try.

It was a Sunday morning class, and this beautiful long haired big bearded Jesus looking man was the teacher. He sang a song his teacher wrote called ‘I will rise again’ that was perfect for my newfound knowledge that I would absolutely love again. Then when he sang the words ‘I will love again’ I balled my eyes out right there in the middle of the floor in front of 10-20 strangers I’d never met before. It was cathartic. It was beautiful. It was poetic. It was the beginning of bathing my heart in healing tears.

A few months later I went on a yoga retreat in Ecuador he led where he told a village tale of the wisdom borne from a life of pain that turns into wisdom born from love after pain, and I balled my eyes out in the middle of savasana while he touched my shoulder in comfort with one hand and held my hand with the other, fingers interlaced, holding me in the space, grounding me in the moment of giving myself permission to feel the feelings I had held inside for so long. He introduced us to eye gazing on that trip, and in the first class back home with him the Bhakti queues were all about “look into your heart” and “who’s eyes do you see.” I tried on so many eyes, and they all came back to his. I thought I wasn’t doing it right. As I was searching for my twin flame the yoga class themes were all about searching the heart to see what is here.

At one point I wanted to run away to Bali and immerse myself in my astrology studies with my teacher that lived there and lose myself in the spirituality of the place. I went to his yoga class where the theme was “I went all the way to India to learn that I never had to go to India.” I immediately saw the wisdom in how all of the teachers there told him he could get the teachings anywhere. I went to two classes of this theme that week, and then I knew I wouldn’t find what I was looking for in Bali. I knew what I was searching for could only be found within myself. What I was looking for was always only going to be right here within me and right in front of me.

I missed a few classes to go to the Toronto Talks, where I first met the community with Twin Flames Universe. When I got back from Toronto he called me over after Kirtan one night and asked me if I was still planning on leaving. I told him no I wanted to stay and go deeper into yoga with the studio’s teacher training program. He made sure I left that night with application in hand.

Weeks or so later Chrissy cornered me in her class one day where she took me really deep and I discovered my heart was telling me the yoga instructor was my twin flame. He was out of town at the time, and from the first class back home his themes shifted from an undercurrent of searching to an undercurrent of honoring and protecting. It was so trippy the way it felt like our hearts were communicating in class. My attention would wander off and suddenly his voice would be saying so emphatically “Bring your awareness here” and “Right here, in this space” and “Be with what is here.”
One class we were all lying on our backs and I was wondering to myself, “Am I crazy?” and “Am I making this all up?” and “He can’t really be talking to me in these classes” and “Surely not” and “These words he is saying could have a million other meanings, so he’s not talking to me.” Then just at that moment he spoke “Honor all of the meanings in the layers of the words we share.” Ok, there was my answer. God was literally telling me through him that this was really happening.

At this point he was my teacher, and I was his student. We didn’t talk much at all before or after class other than the Hellos and Have a nice day. I had no idea how we would ever make the next leap to friends. Then on Halloween he had a class about how someone can come into your life and be there for a while and then you realize a love is growing that turns into seeds of devotion. Somehow he made a transition into all hallows eve and remember someone that has passed. The rest of the class was about honoring those that have gone and how the love never leaves and how grateful we can be for them and the lessons and the experiences that brought us here. For me the class was about saying goodbye and honoring my former fiancé who died so I could move on to my true twin flame with love and devotion. I cried all through class and afterwards he offered me a silent hug. I cried in his arms for a really long time. I think I got snot in his hair. Then the next class opened with desire and how underneath the desire is love and connect to that love. “Be wildly devoted to someone or something.” I went to this class three times before I was finally so moved that it overrode my fear of staying after class to talk with him.

Two days later he got the news his friend died, and I shared with him that my friend had died years before. As he processed his grief through his classes I felt like I was processing my remaining suppressed grief right along side him. He would always open this theme with a story his friend used to tell about a trip to India and someone his friend would keep meeting on the journey over the mountain again and again and how you never know when you will keep meeting someone over and over even across lifetimes. Then before opening the last class of this theme he came up to me and asked me “Will you take this journey one more time with me?”

And just like that we became friends.

I had never experienced a shared heart space before I met yoga and this man. Through my practice, other instructors, and my teacher training I came to learn that we all share a space in the heart when we listen and connect. I’ve since learned and experienced that the depth and closeness, precision, subtlety, and intimacy of that shared space varies from person to person. So that space in the heart at the very center is the space only shared with the true Twin Flame.

To reveal a false Twin Flame I had to go much deeper into my own heart, and my experience of loving the false opened me up to experiencing that space in my heart where I would feel the connection of my true Twin Flame.

This is what happens in a false Twin Flame experience. I was actually experiencing my true Twin Flame love inside of me, but I was attributing it to the face of the person I was looking at standing next to me. Because I hadn’t yet recognized the difference.

The revealing process is one of getting to know myself and the true Twin Flame love inside while getting clear on knowing if the person I was looking at were truly the same.

  • Claim your personalized support on your particular Twin Flame journey with Twin Flame Ascension Coaching.
  • Schedule a free consultation with Mind Alignment Process. See how our 12 week program can help you completely resolve any trauma you may be experiencing.

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