
Dear Heart,
Know that you have the power to create your reality with the fullest and most complete love, so everything that is happening is for your highest benefit. As you step ever more deeply into who you are at your core, your whole life will rearrange to support you in your truest expression.
Everything that is truly meant for you is unfolding. All of the love you share, and all of the love you have cultivated until now can never leave you. Love can never crumble, and love will always remain no matter how the look of it may change.
You have everything it takes to move through this with grace and love. Every challenging moment that arises can be an opportunity to practice unconditional love. To practice holding your value. To practice the most humbling acts of love. To practice seeking that higher perspective in the moment. To practice the art of deep compassion for yourself in not taking anything personally.
You have the power to give yourself everything you need when any tender place is touched. Like a care bear stare of tenderness and love to heal the darkest of clouds blowing through. The power of love can never be overestimated, and we can never know the true outcome until we are living it. We can know that there is always more love to come the more we nurture the love within.
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