Dear Sacred Yoga Deck

I wrote this letter of gratitude towards the place I once taught and practiced yoga.

Dear Sacred Yoga Deck,

I am so grateful to have you in my life right now. You are a place I can both give and receive support. Your strong steady boards hold me as I transform my body into trees, dancers, half moons, falling stars, cobras, and of course warriors. I lay on my mat, adrift in your sea of grounded strength, and gaze at the blue sky and bare trees sprouting the first buds of green spring leaves. As I lay here the bird’s songs show me my inner state. They wail like a scared toddler wanting to be lifted into loving arms. As I welcome the cries of my inner child with love and compassionate tears the wails of the birds subside. As I relax into greater restfulness the bird’s songs become sweet and chipper chirping. Can these birds feel me? Are they singing the songs of my heart? Or is my heart recognizing the tune of their songs within me? Is it the sound of my voice that attracts the Cardinal and it’s mate to the bush behind me as I speak? Are they curious to meet the intruders of their afternoon stroll through the tree limbs? You hold the truth in the marks of your wood grain, don’t you? I long to know your secrets.


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