Twin Flame Card Reading: Let Your Love Overpower Fear And Receive Your Union
The overall message is one of encouraging fearlessness to claim your power and receive your Twin Flame Union.

Your Twin Flame will push you beyond your comfort zone to show you places within you that do not yet know how it feels to be truly loved. Sometimes it can be like bathing in blissful ecstasy, and sometimes it can feel like drowning in your own fears of not feeling loved. Remember you have the power to love yourself in every single place, and this is how the love you experience with each other expands. You can never outrun your feelings. They will inevitably catch up to you, so you might as well go ahead and face them now. This will advance your union together much more quickly and peacefully.

You have the power to free yourself from the struggle. Your Twin Flame relationship can feel fun and fulfilling at every step of the way, no matter how the situation appears. Treat yourself with tenderness and gentle sweet love. Let all judgements fall aside and give yourself permission to receive the blessings your Twin Flame brings into your life. The blessings God brings into your life through this exquisite journey. Have compassion for everything you’ve gone through to get to this point. Recognize your Twin Flame will change and grow as you do. Let go of resentments that keep you refusing the opportunities presented to you because you’re expecting the same old responses. Trust your love to grow with you.

Your Twin Flame is offering you the way to everything you’ve ever desired, yet you turn away to protect yourself from having it all taken away. What is truly yours is yours forever, and you never need to protect yourself from love. Love is the great healer. Let down the walls and let love in. The love of the Divine and the love of your Twin Flame are always here for you. Always meeting you in the love you give to yourself. Be gentle with your tender heart. Allow yourself to love and be loved in return.
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