Jenny’s Journey

Hello! My name is Jenny, and I am in love with LOVE.

Jenny SmilingThe more I dive into spirituality, the more I realize I’ve been on a spiritual journey my entire life without ever naming it. This is what I suspect all of the great Yogi Masters mean when they say that the teachings are everywhere. All of life’s experiences hold a lesson to be discovered, learned, and lived. Every soul holds the capacity to become a guide in some way for some moment to impart some piece of the soulful teaching. Some stay for the briefest of moments for a particular piece of guidance while others bring an ongoing ocean of eternal wisdom. Be it a moment or an ocean or a drop somewhere between, my purpose here is to love you and share with you all that teaches me.

Ascension Yoga

At the core of my journey is the healing of the heart with Love. Ascension is defined as the act or process of moving or rising up, especially to a higher or more powerful position. The word Yoga in its Sanskrit etymology means to yoke or Union, and Yoga encompasses so much more than physical poses and movement alone. Meditation is Yoga. Sharing spiritual wisdom in community is Yoga. Devotion is Yoga, and I am devoted to Love itself. So Ascension Yoga for me becomes devotion to a grounded approach of learning to embody the highest forms of Union with Love in the heart and in everyday life.  Harmony In The Heart Of Union.

Transformation Through Sorrow Becomes Transformation Through Love

In 2016 I lost my former fiancee to suicide. To get me through those first days, weeks, months, even years, I decided every single day that this experience would not destroy my life. Yet everything I believed my life was becoming would no longer be. My first breakthroughs in healing from this experience came from working with Lexlee Overton, an amazing Energy Medicine Practitioner and a community of women who helped me see for the first time that I was never taking this healing journey alone.

I also joined a meditation group in New Orleans that met every full moon. The cycles of the moon led me to explore Astrology. I studied with Alan Oken and The Faculty of Astrological Studies. The archetypes and symbology of Astrology provided a gateway into understanding and healing the deep tender wounds I was unable to access directly.

JennyBy 2019 I had healed enough to believe love was possible again, and I felt a knowing in my heart that a greater love was still ahead. This is when I discovered Yoga. I fell in love with Bhakti, the Yoga of Devotion. The practice became an excavation of emotion and a way to fill the excavated spaces with Love. This is when I discovered that sorrow was not the only way of transformation. I learned that Love could be the teacher. Yoga bathed my heart in healing tears. So I decided to go deeper into the practice, and I completed my 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification at Wild Lotus Yoga under the instruction of Sean Johnson and Mitchel Bleier in Soul School.

Twin Flames And The Path Of Eternal Love

Once I knew there was love in my future once again, the universe was quick to show me about the epic love of Twin Flames and the journey of divine ascension through passion, love, romance, and partnership. I was introduced to Twin Flames Universe through a meetup in a coffee shop. What the heart wants, the Divine provides. And my heart was longing for a community of people devoted to healing the heart with unconditional love and eternal romance. Devoted to building more love by loving the self. This is where I learned the Mirror Exercise, a phenomenal practice of using feelings about the external reality to show where the inner state is calling out for love, and to give the self everything needed to feel fully loved and whole in that space. So then the outer reality comes to reflect the more fully loved inner state. And life gets better and better, always becoming more filled with love. The Mirror Exercise is the fundamental basis for Twin Flame Ascension Coaching. I am now a Certified Ascension Coach to support people in learning how to heal the heart with unconditional love and magnetize epic Twin Flame love into their lives.

Healing Trauma And The Mind Alignment Process (MAP).

As I started to feel safe enough to embark on a journey of loving again, I was faced with my worst episode of PTSD from the suicide 3 years prior. The episode landed me in the Emergency Room of the hospital and laid off from my corporate job. The Universe was clear that I could move no further in the previous direction my life had been going. So I decided to take the time I was being given to focus more on my healing. One month later I met Dr. Christine Emerick, Ph.D and learned about the Mind Alignment Process. I immediately decided to go through the 12 week program. That was in 2019, and the program worked so well to heal my trauma, that I have never had another PTSD episode from the suicide since. I am now in training to become a MAP practitioner to help others heal the way I was helped to heal.

Instinctive Meditation™ And The Path Of Intimacy

The journey into greater Love requires greater Intimacy. As I began working through my deepest blocks surrounding Intimacy, I discovered in 2021 that Dr. Lorin Roche, Ph.D and Camille Maureen were offering a Meditation Teacher Training based on the Radiance Sutras, a reinterpretation of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. I am completing my certification now. This is an ancient text from India on 112 doorways into meditation written as a conversation between Devi, the divine feminine, and Bhairava, the divine masculine. It is the interplay of lovers learning divine communion through the intimacy of everyday life. The perfect poetic companion on my Twin Flame journey. Meditation for me has become a way of providing myself a nurturing, safe, and loving container for the process of the inner work.

Falling In Love With All Of Me

There is one fundamental core teaching of Twin Flames Universe from which every Twin Flames experience derives. It is the one thing that must be done in order to have the higher truth of the eternal love told in all of the mythic tales.

Love Yourself.

Falling in love with LOVE means falling in love with ME. Because I am love. The Sanskrit mantra is Aham Prema. I am Divine Love. I will also share with you these two lines from my Soul School experience and then one from the Radiance Sutras that have always stayed with me from the moment they found me. As I love myself these lines, like mantras, have opened up my awareness to the beauty and wonder of connection. Opened me up to LIFE and LOVE.

Welcome Every Part Of You.

I Don’t Know You, But I Love You.

There Is A Place In The Heart Where Everything Meets.

Namaste Beloveds,